Our team will participate to the Parliamentary Forum on pancreatic cancer, the 22th of November at the Palais du...

The UMQVC will participate to the "PAIR Pancréas" on quality of life and supportive care topics.The PAIR pancréas...

A multi-disciplinary expert Consortium has been established by the EORTC to develop consensus on international standards...

The prospective and multicentric ICE cohort (Informal Carers of Elderly, in Franche Comté and Bourgogne) will receive...

The University Hospital of Besancon has been nominated to the "victoires des acteurs publics 2016" for the health...

The conference press will be the 10th of may, at 3 pm at the PCBio, Univeristy Hospital of Besançon. We will present...

Scientific meeting for the start of the "CGE - Cancéropôle Grand Est" resectable pancreas cohort construction.The...

Winning collaboration between the medical oncology (M Jary) and the methodology (D Vernerey) units

We are happy to welcome Dr Bernahrd HOLZNER (Innsbrück, Austria) on the 25th of February. He is member of the...

the 5th of March, 3 pm-3:20 pm: Understanding objectives and endpoints in Clinical Cancer Trials (Incl. Role of PRO...