On Friday 17 November, the Quality of Life in Cancerology conference, organized by the UMQVC with the support of the...
The UMQVC is looking to hire a Data Manager! Find all the necessary information here.
The "Unité Mixte de Recherche" EFS / Inserm / UFC is organizing its annual seminar on Thursday 23 and Friday 24...
The UMQVC, with the support of the Pôle of Oncology , the IRFC, Oncolie, and the French National Platefrom Quality of...
The UMQVC, the oncology pole, IRFC and Oncolie are organizing a scientific day devoted to the QoL of cancer patients, on...
We would like to share with you our vision of Franck and the experience we have had by working alongside him with two...
The Laboratory of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Franche-Comté and the Unit of Methodology and Quality...
Jeudi 23 mars Salle 241, 15h45 Angelique Vienot présentera en communication orale une recherche intitulée "Survie...
Some UMQVC members provide their methodological expertises with the oncologist in the digestive field.
Welcome to Cécile ROLLER, cilincal research associate, and Ophélie Sivignon, trainee form the Master 2 "Clincal...
Each year, Acteurs Publics awards "les Victoires des Acteurs Publics" to the best initiatives in public action...