The ESMO Congress is a highly influential oncology platform for clinicians, researchers, patient advocates, journalists...

Founded in 1964, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) is the world's leading professional organization for...

The team recently participated in a biathlon "team building" activity (rowing and crossbow) with DC sport. We warmly...

Someof the team's work was presented at the EPICLIN congress, the 13th FrancophoneConference of Clinical Epidemiology...

Oral presentation by Emilie CHARTON, the 26th of October at 2PM, during the session Clinical trials methods:Time to...

20.10.2018 – HALL A3 – Poster area12:30 - 94P - HPV circulating tumor DNA as predictive biomarker of sustained...

The "Franck BONNETAIN" prize of € 1000 for an oral communication on the theme of cancer was awarded during the EPICLIN...

Oral communicationLundi 4 juin – 9:24-9:36 – HALL B1MAPS Impact on health-related quality of life of the addition of...

Our team is at the congress of French speaking researchers and professional of clinical epidemiology and biostatistics,...

As part of the "citizen journey" organized by the Lycée Carnot (Dijon), the students of class of seconds were invited...

The Cochrane Lung Cancer Group, based in Besancon and with which the UMQVC collaborates, is looking for an author of...

As part of Mars Bleu, a month of promoting colorectal cancer screening, prevention, awareness-raising and festive...

On Friday 17 November, the Quality of Life in Cancerology conference, organized by the UMQVC with the support of the...

The UMQVC, with the support of the Pôle of Oncology , the IRFC, Oncolie, and the French National Platefrom Quality of...

The UMQVC, the oncology pole, IRFC and Oncolie are organizing a scientific day devoted to the QoL of cancer patients, on...

We would like to share with you our vision of Franck and the experience we have had by working alongside him with two...

The Laboratory of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Franche-Comté and the Unit of Methodology and Quality...

Welcome to Cécile ROLLER, cilincal research associate, and Ophélie Sivignon, trainee form the Master 2 "Clincal...

The conference press will be the 10th of may, at 3 pm at the PCBio, Univeristy Hospital of Besançon. We will present...

We are happy to welcome Dr Bernahrd HOLZNER (Innsbrück, Austria) on the 25th of February. He is member of the...

The feasibility study of the GYNEQOL project is about to start in september at the University Hospital of Besançon....