The ESMO Congress is a highly influential oncology platform for
clinicians, researchers, patient advocates, journalists and healthcare industry
representatives from all over the world. https://www.esmo.org/
Several projects in which we collaborated are presented this year:
The two oral communications will focus on results concerning:
- Impact of a minimal versus CT-scan-based
follow-up on patient-reported outcomes for completely resected non-small
cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in phase III IFCT-0302 trial. Presented by G
- OMITting frontline chemotherapy in head
and neck cancer (HNSCC) patients with 1-3 oligometastases using
stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR), the GORTEC 2014-04 “OMET”
randomized phase II trial. Presented by J THARIAT2
Four posters will relate the results concerning:
- DCF versus doublet
chemotherapy as first-line treatment of advanced squamous anal cell
carcinoma: A multicenter propensity score matching study. Presented by C
- Pain response and
health-related quality of life (HRQL) analysis in patients with metastatic
castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) receiving cabazitaxel every 2
weeks (16 mg/m2) versus every 3 weeks (25 mg/m2) in the CABASTY phase III
trial. Presented by S OUDARD4
- Management of biliary
tract cancers in early onset patients: A French multicenter real-life
study from the ACABI-PRONOBIL cohort. Presented by A LEBEAUD5
- Genomic profiling of
small bowel adenocarcinoma: A pooled analysis. Presented by T APARICIO6
1 IFCT-0302
G. Eberst, J. Henriques, M.
Monchatre, E. Giroux-Leprieur, E. Kelkel, A. BizieuxThaminy, P. Ravier, P.
Thomas, S. Bayle, C. Audigier Valette, H. Berard, F. Desliers, A. Lagrange, P.
Bonnefoy, A. Langlais, D. Vernerey,
A. Anota, F. Morin, V. Westeel
Background: The IFCT-0302 trial was a
randomized multicenter trial, which found no benefit in overall survival in
adding chest CT-scan and fiberoptic bronchoscopy (optional for adenocarcinomas)
to a follow-up based on physical examination and chest x-ray in resected NSCLC.
We present the results of patient-reported outcomes (PROs), a secondary
endpoint of the IFCT-0302 trial.
Methods: PROs consisted of
Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), assessed using the Short Form-12
(SF-12) questionnaire, and a penibility visual analogue scale (between 0 and
10), at randomization, every 6 months during 2 years and annually until 5 years
or until disease progression or second primary cancer or death if they occurred
before 5 years. Time to deterioration, used to analyze longitudinal HRQoL data,
was defined as the interval between randomization and the occurrence of the
first clinically relevant deterioration (5 points) compared to the HRQoL score
at baseline.
Results: Between January 2005 and
November 2012, 1775 patients were randomized in the IFCT-0302 trial. At
baseline, 756 of the 888 patients (85.1%) in the minimal follow-up group had at
least one HRQoL score available, and 747 of 887 (84.2%) in the CT-based
follow-up group. 80.8% and 75.6% of patients completed questionnaires up to one
year, respectively. There was no difference between groups in time to
deterioration for the 2 dimensions of the SF-12 questionnaire: mental dimension
[HR (the minimal follow-up group vs. the CT-based follow-up group): 0.92; 95%CI
(0.80; 1.15); p=0.64] and physical dimension [HR: 0.87; 95%CI (0.71 ; 1.06) ;
p=0.19]. Penibility was statistically greater in the CT-based follow-up group
(p<0.0001), and was related to fiberoptic bronchoscopy.
Conclusions: Analysis of PROs in the IFCT-0302 trial demonstrated that adding thoracic CT-scan in the follow-up after resection of NSCLC did not influence HRQoL but penibility was increased, due to fiberoptic bronchoscopy.
Clinical trial identification NCT00198341. Legal entity responsible for the study IFCT. Funding French Health Ministry (PHRC-K), IFCT.
J. Thariat, M. Bosset, A. Falcoz,
D. Vernerey, Y. Pointreau, S. Racadot, J.C. Faivre, J. Castelli, S.
Guihard, F. Huguet, S. Chapet, Y. Tao, J. Bourhis, X.S. Sun
Background: Most trials in metastatic HNSCC compare systemic therapies;
HNSCC were underrepresented in the few multihistology SABR trials; none has
assessed SABR-alone vs chemo-SABR in often frail/heavily-pretreated HNSCC
patients. The GORTEC 2014-04 phase IIR study assesses impact on survival
without definitive quality of life (1yOS-QoL) deterioration of omitting
frontline chemotherapy in oligometastatic HNSCC patients (pts) by using SABR
Methods: SABR-alone (experimental arm) or chemo (SOC Extreme)-SABR to
1-3 metastases (mets) was evaluated using survival, PFS, definitive QoL
deterioration (global, 10 points), toxicities (highest-grade/patient), QoL
dimensions. Salvage treatments were left to physician’s appreciation (repeat
SABR allowed).
Results: 69 pts treated at 11 centers in 2016-22, male 81.2%, mean age
62.7, had lung-only mets in 57 (82.6%), isolated mets in 40 (58.0%). Median
baseline global QoL score was 66.7 (Q1-Q3 50.0-83.3). Of 57 pts eligible for
1yOS-QoL (QoL & follow-up missing in 10 & 2 pts/69), it was equivalent
in both arms, with better Kaplan-Meier estimates of physical functioning &
cough score deterioration-free survival with SABR-alone. In ITT analysis (69
pts), 1-year & median survival were 63.4 (95%CI 47.6-84.5), 47.2 with
SABR-alone vs 61.7 (CI 46.2-82.4) & 42.3 months (m) with chemo-SABR. Median
follow-up was 55.3m (CI 42.5-72.1) & 45.4m (CI 36.7-69.1) in the SABR-alone
& chemo-SABR arms. One-year PFS rate were 38.2% with SABR-alone & 53.3%
with chemo-SABR (1st CT done earlier in SABR-alone arm, p NS). Following
relapse (N=58, 48 pts), 16 (10 in chemo-SABR, 6 SABR-alone arms) new out-of-field
lesions and 1 in-field (in SABR-arm) mets were retreated with SABR-alone
(17/58, 29.3%). Rates of all grade toxicities were 43/69 (62.3%): 10/34 (29.4%)
with SABR-alone & 33/35 (94.3%) with chemo-SABR. Rates of severe G3-4
toxicities were 24/69 (34.8%): 2/34 (5.9%) with SABR-alone & 21/35 (60.0%)
with chemo-SABR.
Conclusions: Omission of frontline chemotherapy in oligometastatic HNSCC pts led to lower severe toxicity rates, similar rates of survival & 1yOS without QoL deterioration. Medicoeconomic results will be provided.
Clinical trial identification NCT03070366. Legal entity responsible for the study GORTEC - Pr Bourhis. Funding GORTEC.
BORG, Véronique VENDRELY, Angélique SAINT, Thierry ANDRÉ, Pauline VAFLARD,
Emmanuelle SAMALIN, Simon PERNOT, Oliver BOUCHÉ, Mustapha ZUBIR, Jérôme DESRAME,
Christelle de la FOUCHARDIÈRE, Denis SMITH, François GHIRINGHELLI, Angélique
Background: Triplet DCF (docetaxel,
cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil) and doublet CP/CF (carboplatin and
paclitaxel/cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil) regimens were prospectively evaluated
in advanced squamous anal cell carcinoma (SCCA), and validated as standard
treatments. Even though the high efficacy and good tolerance of DCF regimen
were confirmed in 3 independent prospective trials, doublet CP regimen is still
recommended in several guidelines based in its better safety profile with
similar efficacy compared to CF regimen.
Methods: We performed a propensity
score-adjusted method with inverse probability of treatment weighted (IPTW) and
matched case control (MCC) comparison among patients with metastatic or
non-resectable locally advanced recurrent SCCA, treated with chemotherapy as
first-line regimen. The primary endpoint was the overall survival (OS), and the
secondary endpoint was the progression-free survival (PFS).
Results: 247 patients were
included for analysis. 154 patients received DCF and 93 patients received a
doublet regimen. Patients’ characteristics and outcomes in both groups were
comparable to published data. The median OS was 32.3 months with DCF and 18.3
months with doublet regimens (HR 0.53, 95%CI 0.38-0.74; p=0.0001), and the
median PFS was 11.2 months with DCF versus 7.6 months with doublet regimens (HR
0.53, 95%CI 0.39-0.73; p<0.0001). The hazard ratios by IPTW and MCC analyses
were 0.411 and 0.406 for OS, and 0.466 and 0.438 for PFS (Table).
Table: Multivariate Cox analyses
for OS and PFS in propensity score matched population and with IPTW weighted
Matched analysis (n=154) |
IPTW analysis (n=247) |
HR |
95%CI |
P |
HR |
95%CI |
P |
OS |
0.406 |
0.261-0.632 |
<0.0001 |
0.411 |
0.324-0.521 |
<0.0001 |
0.438 |
0.298-0.644 |
<0.0001 |
0.466 |
0.376-0.576 |
<0.0001 |
Conclusions: The triplet DCF regimen provides a high and significant benefit in OS and PFS over doublet regimens, and can be considered as upfront treatment for eligible patients with advanced SCCA.
Legal entity responsible for the study S. Kim. Funding Has not received any funding.
Presented by Pr. Stéphane OUDARD for Yohann Tran, Raffaele Ratta, Eric
Voog, Philippe Barthelemy, Antoine Thiery-Vuillemin, Mostefa Bennamoun, Ali
Hasbini, Kais Aldabbagh, Carolina Saldana, Emmanuel Sevin, Eric Amela, Gunhild
Von Amsberg, Nadine Houede, Dominique Besson, Susan Feyerabend, Martin Boegemann,
David Pfister, Martin Schostak, Olivier Huillard, Frederic Di Fiore, Amandine
Quivy, Carsten Lange, Dewi Vernerey,
Antoine Falcoz, Houda Belhouari, Salma Kotti, Carole Helissey
Background: In CABASTY trial
(NCT02961257), CBZ 16 mg/m2 q2w + G-CSF significantly reduced grade
≥3 neutropenia and/or neutropenic complications vs CBZ 25 mg/m2 q3w
+ G-CSF with comparable overall survival (OS) benefit in older and heavily
pretreated patients (pts) with mCRPC (Oudard et al. ESMO 2022). Here, we report
changes in HRQL in both arms during therapy.
Functional Assessment Cancer Therapy-Prostate (FACT-P) questionnaire was
collected at each visit and analyzed in all pts exposed to CBZ with evaluable
HRQL at baseline and post-baseline. Higher values indicated better HRQL.
Changes of ≥10 points in FACT-P total score and ≥2 points in Prostate Cancer
Subscale (PCS)-pain score, confirmed by 2 consecutive evaluations were judged
clinically meaningful.
196 pts
(median age, 74.6 yrs; ≥75 yrs, 49%; G8 <14, 20%; vulnerable or frail per
SIOG guidelines, 30.1%; moderate to severe pain, 18%) previously treated with
docetaxel and novel hormonal therapies (median 3 lines) were randomized to CBZ
q3w (n=97) or q2w (n=99) + G-CSF. Median treatment duration was 19.0 and 20.1
weeks with CBZ q3w and q2w, respectively. HRQL was evaluable in 88 (90.7%) and
96 (97.0%) pts with CBZ q3w and q2w. PCS-pain improved in 35.2% vs 38.5% (CBZ
q3w vs q2w). The probability of not having PCS-pain deterioration during
treatment was 81.8% vs 75.0% with CBZ q3w vs q2w (HR=1.5 [95% CI, 0.80-2.9],
p=0.2). Total FACT-P score improved from baseline in 17.0% vs 13.5% of pts with
CBZ q3w vs q2w, respectively. FACT-P score was either stable or improved from
baseline in 75.0% vs 74.0% of pts with CBZ q3w vs q2w. At 75% percentile, time
to deterioration was 4.9 vs 3.3 months (HR: 1.2; p =0.57) with CBZ q3w vs q2w.
Conclusions: In this older and heavily pretreated mCRPC pts population, CBZ q3w and q2w + G-CSF similarly relieved pain and maintained or improved HRQL in 3 out of 4 pts with a comparable OS benefit. Since bi-weekly dosing induces less grade ≥3 neutropenia and/or neutropenic complications, it should be offered to pts unfit to receive the standard CBZ regimen.
Clinical trial identification NCT02961257. Legal entity responsible for the study ARTIC. Funding Sanofi.
Valery M, Edeline J, Henriques J, Antoun
L, Héloïse Bourien, Lebeaud A, Fares N, Tournigand C, Lecomte T, Tougeron
D, Hautefeuille V, Vienot A, Williet N, Bachet JB, Malka D, Smolenschi C,
Hollebecque A, Walter T, Turpin A, Boilève A
Background: Biliary tract cancers (BTC)
including cholangiocarcinoma (CC) and gallbladder cancer (GBC) are rare cancers
with poor prognosis. Few data are available on early-onset BTC (EOBTC) defined
as patients (pts) under age of 50.
retrospective chart review was performed in pts treated for BTC in 14 French
centers between 2003 and 2021. Data on demographic characteristics, therapeutic
management, and molecular profile were collected. Progression-free survival
(PFS) and overall survival (OS) were estimated by the Kaplan Meier method.
Prognostic factors were assessed by univariate and multivariate analyses by Cox
1256 pts with BTC were included. Patients with EOBTC (n=188, 15%) had less
comorbidities according to Charlson score (63.5% vs 84.4%, p<0.0001), higher
tumor stage (cT3-4: 49.9% vs 32.17%, p=0.0126), bilobar liver involvement
(47.7% vs 32.1%, p=0.0002) and metastatic disease (67.5% vs 57.49%, p=0.0097)
compared to older pts, but did not differ regarding primary tumor location
(intrahepatic vs extrahepatic CC vs GBC), WHO performance status (PS 0-1: 94.4%
vs 85.5%, p=0.15), and sex-ratio (50.8% vs 53.4% of males). First-line systemic
therapy for advanced BTC (n=818, 65.2%) was mostly a doublet by GEMCIS (45.5%
vs 32.1%, p=0.0091) or GEMOX (43.3% vs 56.5%, p=0.0091) in EOBTC vs non-EOBTC
respectively. EOBTC pts received more frequently a 2nd line therapy
(89.5% vs 80.9%, p=0.02). For advanced BTC pts, median (m)OS was 17.0 mo vs
16.2 mo (p=0.08) and mPFS was 5.8 mo vs 6.0 mo (p=0.89), in EOBTC vs older pts
respectively. Molecular profiling was performed in 72.6% of EOBTC pts vs 52.4%
in older pts (p=0.0019), and less actionable alterations were found (e.g. IDH1
mutations, 7.8% vs 16.6%; p=0.029; FGFR2-fusion, 11.7% vs 8.9%; p=0.029). We
did not find any usual prognostic factors in BTC (CEA, CA19-9, PS,
neutrophile-lymphocyte ratio, number of extra-hepatic metastases) associated
with EOBTC survival.
Conclusions: Pts with EOBTC have a more advanced disease at diagnosis, are treated more heavily at an advanced stage, and have similar PFS and OS in comparison to older BTC pts. Molecular profiling was more often performed in EOBTC pts but less actionable alterations were found.
Legal entity responsible for the study GERCOR. Funding ACABI: Association pour l'étude des cancers et affections des voies biliaires.
6 Genomic profiling of
small bowel adenocarcinoma
Thomas Aparicio, Julie Henriques, Magali Svrcek, Aziz
Zaanan, Sylvain Manfredi, Andrea Casadei-Gardini, David Tougeron, Jean-Marc
Gornet, Denis Pezet, Eric Terrebonne, Guillaume Piessen, Pauline Afchain,
Cédric Lecaille, Marc Pocard, Thierry Lecomte, Valentina Burgio, Frédéric Di
Fiore, Sandrine Lavau-Denes, Stefano Cascinu, Dewi Vernerey, Pierre Laurent Puig
Background: Several genomic alterations
have been described in small bowel adenocarcinoma (SBA) but the prognostic
value of these alterations remains unclear. The aim of this multicentre study
was to determine the genomic profile of SBA and its impact on the prognosis.
cohorts in France and Italy were pooled. A common dataset of genomic analysis
have been performed on 35 genes of interest. MSI (MicroSatellite Instable) and
MMR (MisMatch Repair) status were also assessed.
A total
of 188 tumour samples had conclusive results for mutation analysis. The
patients (pts) were male (55.3%), with duodenum primary (58.5%), stage I-II
(39.6%), III (40.6%) and IV (18.8%). with a predisposing disease (21%) mainly
Lynch syndrome (LS) (n=19) and Crohn disease (CD) (n=11). The most frequent
mutation were KRAS (42.0%) of which 7/79 G12C, TP53 (40.4%), APC (19.1%),
PIK3CA (18.6%), SMAD4 (12.8%) and ERBB2 (9.6%). TP53 mutations were more
frequent in CD (81.8%) but less frequent in LS (15.8%) than in no predisposing
disease (39%). ERBB2 mutations were more frequent in LS (26.3%) than in no
predisposing disease (7.5%). No APC mutation was observed in CD. KRAS and SMAD4
mutations were more frequent in tumour than in localized tumour (59.4% vs
37.7%, p=0.0164) and (24.3% vs 9.9%, p=0.0187). ERBB2 mutations were less
frequent in metastatic than in localized tumour (0% vs 11.9%, p=0.0272). For
localized tumour univariate analysis revealed that: age ≥65 (p=0.0327), T4
(p=0.570), high grade (p=0.0028) stage III (p=0.0390) and wild type APC
(p=0.395) were associated with a poor overall survival (OS). In multivariate
analysis: high grade (p=0.023), age ≥65 (p=0.0123) and wild type APC (p=0.0254)
were associated with a poor OS. For metastatic tumour a trend for a better OS
was observed in case of a mutated KRAS tumour (HR=0.6 (0.34-1.06), p=0.0797) in
univariate analysis. dMMR/MSI status was available in 238 pts. Overall,
dMMR/MSI was reported in 29.8%, 31.8% in localized and 11.3% in metastatic
tumour. dMMR/MSI was associated with a better OS (HR=0.61 [0.39-0.96],
Conclusions: There is different genomic profile according to the predisposing disease. MSI/dMMR predict a better prognosis. APC mutation in localized and KRAS mutation in metastatic tumour are associate with a better prognosis.
Legal entity responsible for the study the authors. Funding Fondation ARCAD, Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique.

Dewi Vernerey is a research engineer in epidemiology and biostatistics who received a master’s degree cum laude from Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble, France) with a major in engineering statistics. He defended a PhD in epidemiology and statistics in 2016. His PhD research focused on statistical methodology for risk prediction and prognostic score construction in oncology and kidney transplantation.