le 5 mars, 15:00 – 15:20: Understanding objectives and endpoints in Clinical Cancer Trials (Incl. Role of PRO Patient Reported Outcomes and Quality of Life aspects)
EORTC Cancer Clinical Research
Methodology Course for Patient Advocates
Plus d'infos ici : http://www.eortc.org/patientdays/
Présentation des intervenants: http://www.eortc.org/patientdays/faculty/speakers/
A propos de Franck BONNETAIN
Franck Bonnetain is a full Professor in epidemiology and biostatistics who received a master’s degree in clinical epidemiology from School of Public Health (Nancy, France). He obtained a PhD in public health with epidemiology and statistics specialties in 2005 as well asthe “Habilitation à diriger des recherches” (Professoral capability) in 2010.