Ingénieur hospitalier Principal | Epidémiologiste / Statisticien
Responsable du moduledvernerey@chu-besancon.fr
Fichiers associés :
Dewi Vernerey is a research engineer in epidemiology and biostatistics who received a master’s degree cum laude from Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble, France) with a major in engineering statistics. He defended a PhD in epidemiology and statistics in 2016. His PhD research focused on statistical methodology for risk prediction and prognostic score construction in oncology and kidney transplantation.
After working for 10 years in Paris at Gustave Roussy institute, Sanofi-Aventis, INSERM Unit 535 and Necker Hospital, he passed in 2009 the national health and medical research institute (INSERM) competitive examination for a research engineer permanent contract.
Then, he worked in an epidemiology unit at the Cardiovascular Research Center of Paris (PARCC) located in Georges Pompidou European hospital. In 2013, he decided to join the Methodology and quality of life unit in Oncology (UMQVC) at the University hospital of Besancon with his engineer permanent contract. He teaches statistics, data Analysis and methodology in master’s degree and in medical school.
Since 2017, he is the head of the “Epidemilogy and Biostatistics” UMQVC’s module and the head of the GERCOR statistical team (INCAS’s labelled data center). He is also a member of the ARCAD foundation and of the HaliodDx’s Scientific Advisory Boards.
Research thematic:
- Methodology in prognostic research and risk stratification
- Development and improvement of prognostic and/or predictive tools at population and individual level.
Main areas of expertise:
- Statistics and epidemiology
- Clinical trial design ans analysis
- Clinical research
- Genetic epidemiology (linkage and association analyses)
- Oncology
- Solid transplantation (kidney and heart)
- Cardiology
Main ongoing external collaborations :
- GERCOR (Multidisciplinary Group in Oncology)
- Fondation ARCAD (Aide et Recherche en Cancérologie Digestive)
- AGEO (Association des Gastro-Entérologues Oncologues)
- FRENCH (Fédération de Recherche EN Chirurgie)
Tools online
- Prognostic Score and Nomogram to Predict Overall Survival in Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer: The PROLAP score
- Prognostic Nomogram and Score to Predict Overall Survival in Second Line Chemotherapy for Advanced Pancreatic Cancer: The PROSCAP score